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Taylor White: Paintings of Cars

  • Ausstellung
    11.11.2022 - 23.12.2022

Taylor White’s (b. 1978; based in Richmond, VA) art defies categorization, juxtaposing text, found objects, and imagery such as cars, landscapes, and inanimate objects, sometimes all within a single work. He utilizes a vast spectrum of media in his practice, ranging from spiral bindings, spray paint and airbrush, plasticized textiles, and charcoal, which lends a three-dimensionality to this work. Known for his multi- disciplinary practice whose paintings employ a wide range of media and techniques to explore abstraction, tone, content, and mark-making, White’s paintings challenge the viewer to uncover and identify unconventional materials and methods.

  • 11.11.2022 - 23.12.2022
    Ausstellung »


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    Taylor White: Paintings of Cars