The Venice Glass Week 2021
Ausstellung04.09.2021 - 12.09.2021
The Venice Glass Week presents its ffth edition - #VivaVetro! - taking place around Venice, Murano and Mestre from 4th to 12thSeptember 2021
The international festival dedicated to the art of glass aims to support the Murano glass sector - which is recovering and restarting with optimism - whilst highlighting the timeless energy of glass, and addressing younger audiences in particularThe programme will feature a variety of new highlights including the frst edition of theFondazionedi Venezia Prize for the best project in the festival, and the awarding of the prestigiousGlass inVenice Prize by the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti and Fondazione Musei Civici diVenezia to artists Federica Marangoni and Mauro BonaventuraVENICE, 16th July 2021 -The Venice Glass Week, the international festival founded in 2017 tocelebrate, support and promote the art of glassmaking - the artistic and economic activity forwhich Venice has been known around the world for over a thousand years - is now in itsffthedition, and will be held in Venice, Murano and Mestre from4th to 12th September 2021. Thisyear’s event has a new"title-hashtag"#VivaVetro! – a cheer of enthusiasm - also expressedvisually via the spectrum of colours in the new graphic image - which is designed to convey thetimeless energy of the material of glass, and aims to give support and renewed vigour to thesector of Murano glass production which, after months of closure, is recovering and restartingwith optimism. This support also translates into the awarding ofthree prizes: the ninth edition oftheGlass in Venice Prize, the second edition of theAutonoma Residency Prize and the frstedition of theFondazione di Venezia Prize for The Venice Glass Week. The festival also continuesto cater for those unable to reach Venice in person, thanks to the digital programme whichincludes the second edition of Conversations on Glass by Apice.Once again, this yearThe Venice Glass Week - an initiative promoted by theComune di Veneziaand conceived by theFondazione Musei Civici di Venezia,Fondazione Giorgio Cini-LESTANZE DEL VETRO,Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti and by the most importantorganization associated with the glass sector,Consorzio Promovetro Murano, which managesthe trademark of the Veneto Region Vetro Artistico® Murano - is part of the programme of “GreatEvents” supported by the Regione del Veneto.#VIVAVETRO! A FESTIVAL FOR NEW GENERATIONSThe Venice Glass Week 2021 is payingparticular attention to new generations:children andteenagers - Italians and foreigners, with their families and their classes - are the primary targetsof exhibitions and events that have been designed with them in mind, with the aim of drawingthem closer to the multi-faceted world of artistic glass, stimulating their curiosity and engagingtheir interest.
Chief amongst these are the exhibitionsThe Glass Ark. Animals in the Pierre RosenbergCollection at LE STANZE DEL VETRO on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, and the new showMurano Glass Toys organised by the Consorzio Promovetro Murano at the Museo del Vetro. Thefestival isn’t just tailored for children alone:young people in general will also receive specialattention: after the success of 2020,The Venice Glass Week HUB under 35 - an exhibitionspace expressly dedicated to the glass artworks of Italian and foreign artists and designers under35 – will return, underlining how the festival aims to provide a platform and showcase for youngtalents from all over the world, also from the point of view of glass production.All of thesespecial initiatives aimed at visitors who will come to Venice in September -TheVenice Glass Week Tours by Nexa and theKids' Programme by Artsystem, created incollaboration with the festival’s partners Nexa Event & Travel designers and Artsystem – havebeen conceived with a view to facilitating a dialogue with families of adults and children, and aredesigned both to entertain and educate, demonstrating the inclusive spirit ofThe Venice GlassWeek.
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