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Listen to Your Eyes

From 19 November, Museum Voorlinden will present Listen to Your Eyes. For this collection presentation, art collector and museum founder Joop van Caldenborgh was given the nearly impossible task of selecting his favourites from among the modern and contemporary works he has spent the past six decades collecting. The result is a visual journey of discovery that offers you a glimpse inside the mind of the collector.

Listen to Your Eyes is about free association, telling stories and the cycle of life and death, but most of all, it is about the pleasure to be found in looking. This collection exhibition contains works that touch and fascinate the viewer by means of their aesthetic qualities, narrative or craftsmanship. This selection of over forty pieces is presented not in chronological order, but in a way that invites visitors to look, compare, explore and create a story of their own.

Listen to Your Eyes features works from artists including Philip Akkerman, Nicolas Chardon, Ryan Gander, Alex Katz, Paul Kooiker, Liza Lou, Juan Muñoz, Maurizio Nannucci, Robin de Puy, Bridget Riley, Jan Schoonhoven, Nils Völker and Yin Xiuzhen.

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  • 19.11.2020 - 03.01.2021
    Ausstellung »
    Museum Voorlinden »

    Opening hours & admission Open daily 11:00-17:00 Adults: € 15,00 Youth 13-18 years: € 7,50 Children up to 12 years: free

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