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  • 07.09.2018 - 12.10.2018
    Due to success:additional dates for guided toursin sculpture garden ClingenboschAll tours of sculpture garden Clingenbosch for the season of 2018...
  • 20.01.2018 - 27.05.2018
    From 20 January through 27 May 2018, museum Voorlinden features a solo exhibition of work by Martin Puryear (1941). The museum is pleased to...
  • 17.12.2022 - 31.01.2023
    How can we together paint a hopeful picture for the future in these bizarre times? Museum Voorlinden takes a pause in its new collection exhibition...
  • 26.05.2022 - 25.09.2022
    This summer, Antony Gormley (1950) takes over the museum and estate of Voorlinden. The British artist is renowned worldwide for his sculptures and...
  • 19.02.2022 - 15.05.2022
    Saturday 19 February sees the opening of a large retrospective exhibition of Beat Zoderer (1955) at museum Voorlinden. The Swiss artist is known for...
  • 10.02.2022 - 08.05.2022
    Hip hop Vogue, Fortnite, flash mobs, a Sufi or chair dance: YouTube is full of videos of people dancing. With a team of 52 researchers from all over...
  • 16.10.2021 - 13.02.2022
    In collaboration with the Musée national Picasso and the Fondation Giacometti, museum Voorlinden presents the first exhibition in The Netherlands,...
  • 03.01.2021
    Rendez-Vous centres on encounters: those between Voorlinden and its visitors, between the art and viewers and between the artists and the works...
  • 19.11.2020 - 03.01.2021
    From 19 November, Museum Voorlinden will present Listen to Your Eyes. For this collection presentation, art collector and museum founder Joop van...
XXIII Salone Internazionale
James Rizzi
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie wohl die größte Auswahl von...
Vania Rovisco und Athi - Patra
Das Thema der VIENNA ART WEEK 2011, die vom DOROTHEUM...