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Patinas Light

Patinas Light Ltd. has been honoured with Denkmal gold medal in 2008.

Patinas Light

Patinas Light Ltd. has been rewarded with Denkmal gold medal in 2008. Patinas is a fully hungarian owned company. A producer of classical and art-deco styled exclusive lamps, has been earned the prize with it's product quality, selection, individuality and aesthetics.

The exhibiton, which was held in 2008. november named "Denkmal" has been patronaged by the UNESCO. This trade show is one of the bead of Leipzig expo city, which became a leader european trade fair of the national monument and restoration since it's premier 1994.
The manufacturers of building and restoration materials, as well as restorers, specialists, the institutes of the european region, show their particular products, facilities, respectively their achievements in ancient monument maintenance and in restoration.

In 2008., the more than 9.000 technical visitor from 47 different countries come to know the products and services of nearly 400 exhibitors, came from 15 countries.
With the fair's occasion, according to precedent in every second year 10 very valuable reward is assigned, with which the outstanding achievement of the european national monument maintenance is being remunerated.
10 exhibitor recieves the rewards from an international jury.
This honours is the "Denkmal gold medal", which in the meantime became an acknowledged symbol of the first quality, in all across Europe.

Patinas Light Ltd. is the first company in Hungary, who can be proud of recieving this "Gold Medal".

Patinás Lámpa Kft.
1062 Budapest,
Bajza u. 62.
Tel./Fax: +36 (1) 312-6232
Mobil: +36 (20) 548-3807



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  • Patinas Light Ltd. has been honoured with Denkmal gold medal in 2008.
    Patinas Light Ltd