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Peggy Guggenheim


Peggy Guggenheim

In agreement with the Sandro Rumney, Art of The Next Century, and the Galerie Löhrl. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is exhibiting Big Head-Column (2013) by Stephan Balkenhol (b. Fritzlar, Germany, 1957), on the Grand Canal Terrace. Balkenhol’s carved wood figures appeared first in 1983 in reaction to abstract formalism and conceptual art, and with the intention of reintroducing the human body in contemporary art imagery. Balkenhol lives and works in Karlsruhe, Germany, and Meisenthal, France. He has exhibited widely in Europe and the United States, including at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, in Washington D.C. (1995), Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Saatchi Collection in London (1996), and the Arts Club of Chicago (1998), among many other museums and galleries.

  • 30.04.2013 - 16.09.2013
    Ausstellung »
    Peggy Guggenheim Collection »

    Opening hours
    Daily 10 am - 6 pm
    Closed Tuesdays and December 25

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  • STEPHAN BALKENHOL, Big Head-Column
    Peggy Guggenheim Collection