interlux roehm evonik
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Interlux chair by Manfred Kielnhofer Interlux chair literally lights up the room. Reminiscent of American minimalist artist Dan Flavin’s fluorescent light sculptures, this unique chair literally lights up the room. Manfred Kielnhofer plays with fluorescent light and transparent tubes that change colour creating an out of this world atmosphere. The chair is a composition of unique long neon lighting contained in transparent tubes placed horizontally; a surprise of what one can do with commercially available fluorescent light fixtures. Also available in environmentally friendly paper tubes. Sponsored by: Plexiglas – The original by Röhm, Evonik Industries, Interlux Austria Manfred Kielnhofer, Linz, Austria
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das Bste von Boccaccio Decameron Bild 21
open gate S. 33 erotic-comic
Sumpfkalk, Tusche, Pigment 30 x 90
31.10.1987 - 15.10.2030In mehreren Onlinegalerien bieten wir moderne Kunst an:
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