Sven Bergholz
Sven was born and raised in Prenzlauer Berg and Lichtenberg, East Berlin, and started out with pencil and pastel drawing as well as digital painting. Over the past few years, Sven has become a passionate 3D modeler and sculptor. His work is acclaimed for its detailed and ornamental nature and his passion for stretching the bounds of imagination is omnipresent. Sven loves discovering new shapes and forms and translates traditional motives into modern through his current interest in Japanese art history. His work on the Geisha demonstrates this perhaps most dramatically, which is the first of three complementary figures. Sven’s work is intended to be open in its interpretations and universal in its balance.
Öl auf Leinwand, 50x60cm, 2010
Landschaft I (14,9 x 19,6 cm) Farben: schwarz, braun, blau
22.03.2023 - 23.03.2025Frueauf, Messerschmidt, Waldmüller, Funke, Klimt, Prinner, Lassnig: Die neue...
Buch- Druck, HolzschnitttechnikAnfangs wurden die Bücher noch mit Holzschnitttechnik bebildert....
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