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Agora Gallery

What's on at Agora Gallery

Agora Gallery

Among the consequences of hurricane Sandy was the loss of power in many areas, including Chelsea. When Agora Gallery's staff arrived in the morning, relieved to discover that the gallery was unharmed and all the works intact, we were faced with the challenge of how to install the new exhibition, which was due to open soon, without light. We knew the power would be up before long - as indeed it was - but did not want to waste precious time that would delay the opening of the show. Approaching the problem in a cheerful and adventurous spirit, we quickly decided that the best solution was to use flashlights! We all worked together to make sure that the works were moved safely and were installed to form an aesthetically pleasing, attractive exhibition, just as if there had been no power problems at all.

Agora Gallery Staff
If you visit the gallery, you can see the results for yourself! Please join us tonight to celebrate the opening of three new contemporary exhibitions: Altered States of Reality, Mélange of Milieu and Sacred Places by George Oommen .

While we are thankful that we are able to present the original works of these exceptionally gifted and innovative artists, our thoughts and prayers go out to all our friends and neighbors who are still suffering in the wake of the storm.

About the Exhibitions:
Sacred Places: George Oommen / a solo exhibition is a collection of twenty Abstract works by Indian-born painter George Oommen, whose sun-infused colors and elegant compositions capture the feel of that landscape. The artist's skill at juxtaposing colors gives his canvases structure and coherence. The result is an architectural rigor that brings to mind such masters of Western abstraction as Barnett Newman and Mark Rothko.

Mélange of Milieu presents the work of twelve artists who explore an array of themes, from the physical environment, to the fusion of text and image, to the endless possibilities of chromatic abstracts, and dynamic sculpture. The result is a collection of spectacular works that transmit the tenets of texture.

Altered States of Reality: An Exhibition of Analog and Digital Photography features the work of fifteen artists who display through courageously honest and deliberate imagery the power of fine art photography and the unlimited potential of the imagination and the human mind.

Kunst, New York, Presse

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  • What's on at Agora Gallery
    Agora Gallery