Record Diego Giacometti Leads Sotheby's Impressionist & Modern Art Day Sale in NY
NEW YORK, 15 November 2016 – “Today’s sale was led by the phenomenal results for a selection of bronze sculptures by Diego Giacometti, which together sold for $6.8 million.” said Scott Niichel Co-Head, of Impressionist & Modern Art Day Sale in New York. “The group was led by a rare octagonal table, which set a new world auction record for the artist when it sold for $3.8 million. This result also ranks among the highest prices ever achieved in our Impressionist & Modern Art Day Sales.”
Julian Dawes Co-Head of Impressionist & Modern Art Day Sale in New York, commented: “Our results reaffirm market strength across the great breadth of material represented in our sales: from an iconic bronze cast of a dancer by Edgar Degas, to an early large-scale Impressionist canvas by Francis Picabia, to a 1955 painting by Pablo Picasso. We are pleased to see continued demand for top-quality works that are fresh to the market, and strong participation today by American private collectors in particular.”
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15.11.2016Presse »
15 NOVEMBER 2016 | 10:00 AM EST