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Throngs welcom

Throngs welcome the second MIA- Miami International Art Fair

Throngs welcom

MIAMI, FL- MIA- Miami International Art Fair opened it's doors at 6:30pm Thursday to a crowd of over 4,000 eager VIP's. The floor was buzzing during the First View with dealers and collectors engaging in exciting interchanges. Attendees enjoyed caviar and cocktails from Fair sponsors, Black River Caviar and Opici Wine while observing the outstanding array of international art on view.

Exhibitors quickly reported initial sales. "We had a wonderful opening. We sold multiple paintings and are negotiating with another collector concerning the purchase of one of our sculptures. We are very happy we met a lot of new collectors which is why we attended the fair" commented Maxloy/Latin Art Core Gallery.

Seasoned gallery owner and fair participant Diana Lowenstein of Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts commented, "I am really happy with the large turnout of collectors! Tonight was incredible - new faces, very good faces, and lots of prospects for the following days" Mrs. Lowenstein was also the recipient of the "Arts of Distinction Awards" presented during the First Preview of the evening.

The show boasted a dynamic array of art performances by emerging and established artists as well as lectures and book signings. MIA continued through the weekend with outstanding attendance and a range of dealers reporting sales shipping to destinations across the globe including; Austria, Germany, Holland, France, Hungary, as well as Chicago, New York, Toronto and Palm Beach.

Among the many exhibitors whom reported substantial sales were Black Square Gallery, Adamar Fine Arts, Dot Fiftyone, The Americas Collection, Estudio Arte 8, Cernuda Arte, Spirit of Korea, No Name Gallery, Transarte, Galeria Baobab, Galerie Frederic Got, Maxoly/Latin American Core Gallery, and Kelly Roy Gallery.

MIA new comers Black Square Gallery and The Americas Collection faired especially well. Ronald Kritzler of Black Square gallery reported that "It's been a very interesting and positive experience. We had great people stopping by, great crowd; definitely a good start for the gallery". While Velia Lancinese of The Americas Collection told us "The fair has been very good to us. We have sold steadily and I can see more movement, more interest, people are more serious. We at The Americas Collection are very happy".

MIA's returning exhibitor saw positive results as well. Kelley Roy Gallery Owner, Susan Kelley told us "Lots of good energy and Cuban-American artist Pablo Cano is drawing the masses. People are particularly drawn to his Cake Boxes. A few have sold. Additionally, we sold a piece from artist Sebastian Spreng."

Isaac Perelman from Dot FiftyOne commented" The overall impression was that MIA gave a broad example of what the art can offer to a diversity audience in terms of taste, educational background and budget. The fair was able to feature from the most elemental commercial and decorative art works, to great collective pieces of well re-known international artists. MIA also worked really well as well to create an open space for those galleries as Dot Fiftyone and others of the Wynwood Art District to present an elaborated and well curated contemporary and conceptual proposal. I believe all these things were the elements that the audience that visited the fair really appreciates most."

Attendance for MIA was estimated at a record 19,000 respectable, up from last year by 11 percent. Fairgoers reported excellent reviews, many commenting that the smaller, more intimate atmosphere reflected a pleasant change from Miami's more frenetic December fair scene.

A sample of the visitor comments;

"I'm from Miami, I go to all the fairs, and this is one of the best art shows I've been to. I absolutely love it. It has every price range for all different collectors" - Darryl from Miami, FL

"I came to this show last year also and I always really enjoy it. To me it's always a little more interesting than some of the other big shows that come to town. I find it to be incredible interesting and intriguing." -Sherry from Miami, FL

"I thought it was very creative, it always makes my juices run when I see the creativity of it" -Harriet Miller from Boca Raton, FL

"MIA inspired me. It made me think differently about the world and brought up new ideas in me." - Jasmine Coppolani from Miami, FL

"This is not like the likes of anything I've ever seen before. It educates me." -Phoebe Craven, Delaware

"We've been to a lot of these shows and MIA ranks up there with some of the best. We really enjoyed it. It was absolutely fabulous. It was very avant-garde" - James Mattie and Janet Ore from Phoenix, AZ

"I love the diversity and the interesting galleries from all over the world." - Nancy Aaronson from Boca Raton, FL

Twelve year old future art collector, Michael Hoover simple stated "I love this place".

Overall the second edition of MIA was a great success, leaving exhibitors and attendees in high spirits and already awaiting MIA 2012, set to take place January 12th-16th at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Hall B.


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