Design Week
Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair 2018
Messe06.02.2018 - 10.02.2018
Design Week
Stockholm Design Week - design party of the year and everyone is invited
It is soon once again time for Week 6, which has become synonymous with Stockholm Design Week. The entire global elite in design and architecture will be in Stockholm to gather and see the latest in furniture and lighting at Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair. With the trade fair at the middle of it all, the entire city will be buzzing with around 80 events, installations and parties. Many of the exhibitions will be open to the general public.
Stockholmsmässan AB
14.09.2019Anita Rée gehört zu den Künstlerinnen, die sich auf dem Kunstmarkt durchgesetzt haben. Ihr Talent...
Biedermeiermöbel & Restaurierung antiker Möbel aller Epochen, seit 34 Jahren in eigener...
* 1934 in Wien (Österreich), † 2014 in Wien (Österreich) Architekt, Theoretiker,...
06.02.2018 - 10.02.2018Messe »
10 am - 5 pm