ART EDITION 2015 Hong Kong
Messe13.03.2015 - 16.03.2015
ART EDITION is the Korea’s only international edition art fair devoted to multiple art. Initiated by Korea Print Photography Promotion Association, the fair was launched in 1995 under the name of Seoul International Print Photo Art Fair. Since its inception, the event has been supporting professional development of printmakers and photographers. As the methods and media of art-making have evolved over the years with the use of digital technologies, so has the identity of the fair as a genre-specific art fair. In order to establish an art market that differs from other Korean art fairs and to let the audience understand multiple art in a modern context, the title of the fair changed to ART EDITION in 2010 encompassing wide range of edition art from prints to photos and 3D multiples to computer based art. Returning for a second year, is held at Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel & Harbour City with a great range of signed limited edition art under the motto, ‘Limited and Unique’.
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13.03.2015 - 16.03.2015Messe »
Period: 2015 March 13 — 16
Venue: Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel & Harbour City
Categories: Limited Edition Artworks