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Seit dem Ende der Sowjetunion arbeitet nun die zweite Generation von russischen KünstlerInnen weiterhin in einem für uns unbekannten Spannungsfeld: nach einem schweren 20. Jahrhundert befindet sich die russische Gesellschaft im verspäteten Übergang zwischen multi-ethnischem Imperium und nationaler Demokratie. In der Ausstellung Russian Renaissance zeigen wir den Niederschlag dieser ungeheuren Entwicklungen in der russischen Kunst. Viele der Kunstwerke zeigen in Verbindung mit den jüngsten politischen Geschehnissen in Russland hohe Aktualität und Relevanz. (Hans Knoll, Januar 2012)

There are many different «Russias» - the Tzar time Russia, the Soviet’, the Putin’s etc. And every time we talk about the Renaissance or rebirth, the question arises: what kind of country you are going to revive, to whom is it necessary to give the invigorating kiss and the rejuvenating apple? And for many years political and cultural forces are deciding what should be Russia. In this complicated and extremely dramatic situation artists, visionaries and culture protagonists cannot stay aside. Everyone is trying to solve this burning question for himself. The Austrian curator and gallery-owner Hans Knoll, who is researching and monitoring the Russian art scene and its market for the past ten years, saw the situation differently than we do from here. He studied it objectively and in terms of rational European approach (in comparison with irrational Russian). A number of important issues have not escaped Knoll’s attention, which for our internal situation-of-searching-the-Great-Russian-national-idea seemed unimportant. The absence of a normally working art market, long-term goals for players of art, evident migration of creative people from Russia to Europe, as well as the phenomenon of the Russian oligarchs, depleting the world's auction houses, and of course the political situation – all these things are also involved in the process of "Russian Renaissance". And will somehow finally influence the result.

(Vasilina Verdi, December 2011, art-historian, co-curator of «Russian Renaissance»)

Eröffnung/Opening: Dienstag, 17. Jänner 2012 - 19 Uhr
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - 7 pm
Location: HilgerBROTKunsthalle
Absberggasse 27, 1100 Wien/Vienna
Stiege 1/Stair 1
2.Stock/2nd floor
Die Ausstellung läuft bis 25.Februar 2012.
The exhibition is ongoing until February 25, 2012.
Öffnungszeiten: Do – Sam 12 – 18 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung.
Opening hours: Thu - Sat 12 - 6 pm and on appointment.
Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalog.
A catalogue was published on the occasion of the show.

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