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Leon Löwentraut


Leon Löwentraut

Things are moving forward - unstoppable! Leon Löwentraut, the 23-year-old German painter, is stirring up the international art scene with visionary projects, spectacular exhibitions and sensational performances. His works electrify, inspire, irritate and delight art lovers and international collectors in New York, Hong Kong, London, Florence, St. Petersburg, Copenhagen and Düsseldorf. Gerhardt Braun Gallery will be presenting new paintings, new unique charcoal drawings on handmade paper and a 1.90 m high hand-painted bronze sculpture that deals with the young artist’s central theme “Different Minds” and editions from 2017-2020.

  • 25.06.2022 - 30.09.2022
    Ausstellung »
    Gerhardt Braun Gallery »

    Gerhardt Braun Gallery
    Galería Nueva
    Calle del Doctor Fourquet, 10
    28012 Madrid

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  • Portrait Leon Löwentraut (c) gb-gallery.es
    Portrait Leon Löwentraut (c) gb-gallery.es
    Gerhardt Braun Gallery
  • left Leon Löwentraut, right Gerhardt Braun (c) gb-gallery.es
    left Leon Löwentraut, right Gerhardt Braun (c) gb-gallery.es
    Gerhardt Braun Gallery