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  • Ausstellung
    17.04.2023 - 23.04.2023
    Alcova »

Alcova 2022 is now over, and we would like to send a special thank you to the more than 60.000 people who visited us this year!

A huge thank you also to the over 80 designers, companies and institutions who were the real protagonists of this year's edition, one of the most appreciated exhibitions of MDW 22. Thank you to everyone who made it and took the time to immerse themselves. Alcova was richer than ever this year, and as always inhabited by poetic episodes, clever discoveries, unexpected perspectives and beautiful design.

To relive some moments of this amazing edition, check out these videos.

We are already working on Alcova 2023, which will take place from 17 to 23 April 2023. More soon on that!

  • Alcova
  • 17.04.2023 - 23.04.2023
    Ausstellung »
    Alcova »

    5–12 JUNE 2022
    H 11:00-19:00
    9 JUNE 2022
    H 11:00-16:00


    ALCOVA 2022
    Via Simone Saint Bon 1
    INGANNI M1, Milan

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