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HERMANN NITSCH Partitur des 6-tage-spiels

We are thrilled to announce our eleventh solo exhibition with HERMANN NITSCH in our gallery in Innsbruck, featuring the title-giving piece Partitur des 6-tage-spiels.

das 6-tage-spiel des o. m. theaters ist ein work in progress. alles was ich je gemacht habe, meine aktionsmalerei, alle meine aktionen, meine musik waren vorstufen für das sich nie vollendende werk. 1998 gelang es mir eine mögliche fassung des 6-tage-spiels im orgien mysterien theater in prinzendorf zu realisieren. 2021 möchte ich in prinzendorf eine weitere fassung des 6-tage-spieles aufführen. die musik, die sich zu orgelklang und sphärenmusik ausweitet, wird immer wesentlicher. (Hermann Nitsch)

The 6-day-play of the orgies mysteries theater is a work in progress. everyhting i've ever done, my action painting, all my performances, my music were preliminary stages for the never to be completed work. in 1998 i succeeded in realizing a possible version of the 6-day-play. in 2021 i want to perform another version of the 6-day play in prinzendorf. the music, which expands into organ sound and music of the spheres, is becoming more and more essential. (Hermann Nitsch)

In July 2022 Nitsch will finally be able to present his magnum opus, the 6-tage-spiel, for a second time. Held in its first edition in Prinzendorf in 1998 it was planned to be realised again for the year 2021. But postponed by the artist, to direct all his attention towards his painting action in Bayreuth. As another milestone in his career, the universal artist Hermann Nitsch was invited by the Bayreuth Festival to provide scenic accompaniment to a concert version of Richard Wagner's Die Walküre in summer 2021. Nitsch has conceived an extensive painting action for each of the three acts.

wagner hat mich mein ganzes leben fasziniert. wegen dieser wunderbaren, schwelgerischen, sinnlichen musik, die den klang über die melodie hinaus zum blühen bringt. die kunst war schon in ihren ersten auftrittsformen mit dem kult, der religion und dem gesamtkunstwerk verbunden. und wagner ist der freileger des gesamtkunstwerks. er hat es zum aufleuchten gebracht. (Hermann Nitsch)

wagner has fascinated me all my life. because of this wonderful, indulgent, sensual music that makes the sound blossom beyond the melody. art was already connected to cult, religion and the gesamtkunstwerk in its first forms of performance. and wagner is the uncoverer of the gesamtkunstwerk. he made it shine. (Hermann Nitsch)

The exhibition in Innsbruck lays focus on art-historical works from Nitsch's oeuvre. Excerpts of the artist's second composition for the 6-tage-spiel, will be accompanied with a relic from the artist's first 6-tage-spiel in 1998. Artifcats and documents resulting from Schütt- and Malaktionen, that were performed within the last two decades in public spaces like the Burgtheater in Vienna or nitschmuseum Mistelbach, or more private sets, like the 70th Malaktion, held in our very own gallery spaces in Vienna in 2014, will round up the show. That is concluded with painting's from the artist's latest action, held on stage in Bayreuth in summer 2021.

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    Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman
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