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Harun Farocki and Hito Steyerl are bound by a special form of collaboration, beyond any space-time framework ... When there is no hope for a better world their images open up a crack in the system of art ... Call it the pragmatism of the hopeless. – Carles Guerra (Curator), 2020

Curated by Antje Ehmann & Carles Guerra, with exhibition architecture by Luis Feduchi, Life Captured Still will bring together a selection of key pieces by Harun Farocki and Hito Steyerl encompassing early video works, installation and collaboration to explore and highlight the multidimensional convergences of their practices. Revered as pioneers in the fields of documentary video and new media art across two generations, the artists' expansive films interrogate organisational power structures, divisions of labour and the inescapable and shifting roles of the images that permeate contemporary society. We invite the audience to immerse themselves in the works of Harun Farocki and Hito Steyerl ... To spend time with and to explore the artists' questions and doubts, their curiosities and anxieties; their investigations into the worlds between the analogue and the digital, between human labour and the labour of machines, between the worlds of capitalist exploitation and financial accumulation. – Antje Ehmann (Curator), 2020 Ranging from Steyerl's renowned November (2004) and Lovely Andrea (2007) to Farocki's Two Paths (1966), which has never previously been exhibited, early video works by both artists will examine the multidimensional relationship between the image and the construction of meaning, considering the profound effects of surplus image circulation in contemporary society and the use of the camera as a tool for shaping perception.

  • 06.02.2020 - 04.04.2020
    Ausstellung »
    London Ely House »

    Ely House, 37 Dover St, Mayfair, London W1S 4NJ, Vereinigtes Königreichair

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  • Harun Farocki, The Silver and the Cross, 2011. © Harun Farocki. / Hito Steyerl, November (Stills), 2004. DV, single channel, sound. 25 minutes. Image CC 4.0 Hito Steyerl. Image courtesy of the Artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York and Esther Schipper, Berlin.
    Harun Farocki, The Silver and the Cross, 2011. © Harun Farocki. / Hito Steyerl, November (Stills), 2004. DV, single channel, sound. 25 minutes. Image CC 4.0 Hito Steyerl. Image courtesy of the Artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York and Esther Schipper, Berlin.
    London Ely House