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FIAC 2019 | Highlights  & Events | 17 – 20 October 2019

Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac looks forward to welcoming you to our booth at FIAC where we’ll be showing work by Alvaro Barrington, Georg Baselitz, Oliver Beer, Rosemarie Castoro, Tony Cragg, Richard Deacon, Sylvie Fleury, Antony Gormley, Alex Katz, Imi Knoebel, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Longo, Yan Pei-Ming, Jack Pierson, Arnulf Rainer, Robert Rauschenberg, David Salle and Emilio Vedova.

Yan Pei Ming’s work profoundly questions classical painting while paying homage to the great masters. Portrait de Gustave Courbet (2019) is part of a new series of works dedicated to the realist painter, commemorating the 200th anniversary of his birth. | Georg Baselitz’s wife Elke has been the artist’s muse throughout his career. In Im Takt, aber leise (2019) the figure of Elke appears twice as a blackhole in the painting surrounded by gold. For the artist 'It is neither a silhouette nor a shadow. It is really a blank space, like a keyhole with gold around.' | Everglade (Borealis) (1990) by Robert Rauschenberg is a key work from the Borealis series (1988–92), which demonstrates the artist’s continued spirit of innovation. Applied through the silkscreen method, the images are directly imprinted onto the brass surface, which Rauschenberg reworks with tarnishing agents to produce tonal variations across the metal. | During the 1980s, Roy Lichtenstein embarked on a new series of works which revisited, reworked and expanded some of his most celebrated motifs. In Untitled (Brushstroke Head) (1986), Lichtenstein renders the outline of a human head in a dynamic composition which combines elements of collage, juxtaposing actual and stencilled brushstrokes.

  • 17.10.2019 - 20.10.2019
    Ausstellung »
    Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac »

    Wednesday, October 16th (upon invitation only)
    Thursday, October 17th : 11am-2pm (VIP Preview )
    Thursday, October 17th: 2pm-8pm
    Friday, October 18th: 12pm-8pm
    Saturday, October 19th & Sunday, October 20th: 12pm-7pm


    Full-fare ticket 38 €
    Reduced fare* 25 €
    Children under 12: free entry
    Cloakroom 2€ per item.

    *- Students with a valid student ID
    - Individuals under the age of 26 (free of charge for under 12)
    - Louvre Jeunes, Louvre Professionels or Louvre Famille card holders

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  • FIAC 2019 | Highlights  & Events | 17 – 20 October 2019
    Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac