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From Gesture to Form. Postwar European and American Art from the Schulhof Collection

In 2012, Hannelore B. Schulhof (1922–2012), who collected with her late husband Rudolph R. Schulhof (1912–1999), bequeathed eighty works of postwar European and American art to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation to be housed at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. This exhibition will be an opportunity to view the Schulhof Collection nearly in its entirety. Privileging formal artistic developments, this presentation will provide insights into the art movements and styles that evolved and matured towards the end of World War II through to the 1980s. Abstract imagery, as a quest into issues of color, form and space as well as their interrelationships, characterized the postwar decades, becoming the foundation of the Schulhof Collection. This exhibition will celebrate how, crossing continents and traversing cultures, the Schulhof Collection reflects a multitude of postwar artistic tendencies and a polyphony of voices.

  • 26.01.2019 - 18.03.2019
    Ausstellung »
    Peggy Guggenheim Collection »

    Opening hours
    Daily 10 am - 6 pm
    Closed Tuesdays and December 25
    Last ticket issued 30 minutes before close

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    Peggy Guggenheim Collection