• Menü

Vernissage: 4.

Vernissage: 4.10.07 Angel Marcos, Franz Ringel, Re: Place

Vernissage: 4.

The name of the exhibition has an ambivalent meaning. If we read it or see it written, there is a reference to an above mentioned place. If we only hear it pronounced, it evokes an exchange,replacement. It deals with the idea of a perfect city or place – two cities becoming one: the twin cities Bratislava and Vienna. Tomáš Džadon deals with substitution and relocation, as well. He realized, that big part of our life is filled with products. The designer`s task is to cover the technical part, for him the most important, of products for the purpose of selling. Ján Vasilko will present five of his paintings. His work reminds of poster art referring to the geometric forms he is using. The video Replaced by the born Czech artist Barbora Klímová is the key work of the exhibition.
This exhibition is taking place in cooperation with Bastart Gallery - Bratislava.


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Das Museum Kurhaus Kleve lädt am Sonntagabend, dem 14.


This Sunday 7 November 2010 it’s free entry for

  • Mischtechnik auf Papier, 56 x 46 cm
    Mischtechnik auf Papier, 56 x 46 cm
    Galerie Ernst Hilger Ges.m.b.H.