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Show Report

Art 44 Basel 2014

Show Report

Galleries exhibiting in the Feature sector presented precise curatorial projects, showing both historical and contemporary work. This year's edition saw 24 galleries from 12 countries, with 15 of the galleries exhibiting at Art Basel for the first time. Highlights included a juxtapositioning of the late Henri Chopin with the British artist Michael Dean by Supportico Lopez, works from the ‘Time Memory’ (2012) series by Shinro Ohtake, one of the stars of the last Biennial in Venice, by Take Ninagawa, and Beryl Korot’s landmark multi-channel installation ‘Dachau’ (1974), currently on display at Tate Modern and timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the work at Bitforms Gallery. artbasel.com/basel/feature

The 2014 edition of Parcours was curated for the second time by Florence Derieux, Director of FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, and was sited in various locations around the Rheingasse in Kleinbasel. Parcours featured a total of 15 site-specific art works by internationally recognized artists including Chris Burden, Eva Rothschild, Zeng Fanzhi and Ryan Gander. A highlight of the week was Parcours Night on Wednesday, June 18, when the project venues stayed open late, accompanied by a special one-off performance of Guido van der Werve’s 45 minute requiem, ‘home, a requiem’ (2011- 2012) at Clara Kirche and a screening of Mario García Torres’s lyrical essay film ‘The Schlieren Plot’ at Kino Cinema. Between Wednesday and Sunday over 4,500 people visited Parcours. artbasel.com/basel/parcours

Screened at Stadtkino Basel over six nights, the Art Basel Film program featured over 30 film and video works by and about artists. Highlights included the world premiere of ‘Sequenza’ by Manon de Boer and George van Dam, Aïda Ruilova’s new film ‘Head and Hands: My Black Angel’, a Short Film Program by Los Angeles filmmaker Pat O’Neill, a special screening curated by Vdrome as well as films by artists Maria Anwander, Harun Farocki, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Jan Peter Hammer, David Shrigley and Jane and Louise Wilson. Marc Glöde curated Film for the seventh and final time. As of next year, lecturer and film curator Maxa Zoller will curate Film in Basel, taking over from Marc Glöde. This Brunner will continue in his role, working alongside Zoller. artbasel.com/basel/film

Conversations and Salon
Art Basel's Conversations series brought together prominent voices from the international art world, including AA Bronson, RoseLee Goldberg, Isabel Lewis, Otobong Nkanga, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Beatrix Ruf, Alya Sebti, Pascale Marthine Tayou, and Wolfgang Tillmans. Conversations was presented in partnership with Absolut. High-quality videos of all Conversations are available shortly after the show at artbasel.com artbasel.com/basel/conversations

The daily program of artist conversations and discussion forums took place each afternoon with a number of timely themes covered, including ‘100 Years of Readymade’, ‘Curating at the Periphery’ and ‘Le Mouvement: An Exploration of Performance in Public, Urban Space’. High-quality videos of Salon are available shortly after the show at artbasel.com/basel/salon

14 Rooms
A partnership between Fondation Beyeler, Art Basel and Theater Basel, ‘14 Rooms’ was a major live-art exhibition staged in Basel from June 14 to 22, 2014. The exhibition proved hugely popular, attracting over 13,000 visitors. Curated by Klaus Biesenbach and Hans Ulrich Obrist, the exhibition featured performative works by artists a i a a i , Allora & Calzadilla, Ed Atkins, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Damien Hirst, Joan Jonas, Laura Lima, Bruce Nauman, Otobong Nkanga, Roman Ondák, Yoko Ono, Tino Sehgal, Santiago Sierra, and Xu Zhen. Two more works joined the architectural environment conceived by Herzog & de Meuron, Jordan Wolfson’s acting as an epilogue, and John Baldessari’s as an archival documentation. 14rooms.net

This year PanteraPantera from Basel created an architectural installation on Messeplatz. Inspired by 'Zerzura' – a mystical oasis and white town in the southern Sahara – the installation was designed to provide the public with a resting place, shelter and water for both drinking and cleansing. The installation on Messeplatz's fountain featured white netting draped over poles to create a tent-like structure with eight organically shaped small water holes and four large seating platforms. Three of the pools were additionally equipped with drinking fountains. panterapantera.com

Museums in Basel
The museum exhibitions in and around Basel were once again of a high standard, and included: 'Gerhard Richter: Pictures/Series' (May 18 - September 7) at Fondation Beyeler; ‘Charles Ray, Sculpture 1997-2014’ at Kunstmuseum Basel (June 15 - September 28); ‘Paul Chan' (April 12 - October 19) at the Schaulager; ‘Le Corbeau et le Renard, Revolt of Language with Marcel Broodtaers’ at the Museum für Gegenwartskunst March 22 - August 17); ‘Krištof Kintera. I AM NOT YOU’ at Museum Tinguely (June 11 - September 28); and an exhibition of work by Julia Rometti and Victor Costales at Kunsthalle Basel (June 19 – August 24). For a full complete list of museum exhibitions visit museenbasel.ch

Design Miami/Basel
Design Miami/Basel, the global forum for collecting, exhibiting, discussing and creating design was once again held within the exhibition hall designed by Herzog & de Meuron on Messeplatz. For more details, please visit designmiami.com

  • 22.06.2014
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    Art Basel in Basel Juni 2014: Show Report

Art Basel in Basel 2014 | Skarstedt Gallery | New York MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG

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