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Galerie Ernst

Galerie Ernst Hilger at PULSE NEW YORK

Galerie Ernst

Megan McLarney (b. in Kansas City, Missouri) We watch as fog moves over a mountain, aspens quake in the wind, the sun flickers on a forest. In Megan McLarney's art, these minimal moments are examined with exacting scrutiny. Megan McLarney is an artist obsessed with recording. For the past eight years, McLarney has developed a unique method of documenting both the natural and man-made landscape. Her technique involves using a stationary video camera to shoot overlapping exposures at a specific location. The footage is then combined in post-production to construct a panoramic view with more detail than one could possibly capture with a single shot. This unique perspective allows us to see what may have previously been overlooked. What was once incidental now becomes significant. Whether it is in the form of a multi-monitor video or a series of photographic prints, it is this subtle change in perception that is the basis for all McLarney's art. The artist lives and works in New York City.

Megan McLarney, Leaves, Trees and the Forest, 2008, multi-monitor videowork

Oliver Dorfer (*1963 in Linz, Oesterreich) repraesentiert in der oesterreichischen Gegenwartskunst eine Position, die Traditionen einer motivorientierten Bildsprache der 1980er Jahre mit einer hohen Sensibilitaet fuer optische Systeme aktueller kuenstlerischer Erscheinungsformen verbindet. Er arbeitet an der Spannung zwischen der Allgemeingueltigkeit einfachster Geschichten und der komplexen Verschraenkung von Zeichen in unserer "Bild-Medien-Gesellschaft". In seinen neuen Arbeiten formen sich wenige, immer wiederkehrende praegnante Bilderzeichen zu Logos, Icons und Piktogrammen und erzeugen so eine unverwechselbare Bildsprache. Obwohl Oliver Dorfer mit Pinsel und Acryl auf Kunststoffgrund arbeitet, spricht der Kuenstler nicht von Malerei sondern dem Generieren von "pics" oder "visuals" und verweist in comic-haft anmutenden Bilderfolgen auf die Erzaehlformen von Comic, Pop und Trash.

Oliver Dorfer (b. 1963 in Linz, Austria) presents a position within the Austrian contemporary art, which connects the motif-orientated language of pictures of the 1980th with a high sensibility for optical systems of current artistic forms of appearances. He works on the tension between universal validity of the simplest story and the complex interleave of signs of our "pic-media-society". His new works show few recurring motives, which form logos, icons and piktograms, and create his distinctive visual language. Although he works traditional with brush and acryl on plastic, he talks about his paintings as "pics" or "visuals" and refers with his picture series in comic style on narations of comics, pop und trash.

Oliver Dorfer,  the northface, 2009, acrylic on acrylic, 200 x 200 cm

Further artists at PULSE New York 2009:
Maria Bussmann, Clifton Childee, Renata Poljak, Michael Scoggins, Spencer Tunick.

Ab 26. Februar 2009 zu sehen
Asgar/Gabriel bei WEIN & CO, Getreidemarkt 1, Wien 6
im Rahmen der VIENNA STRIPE - museum in progress - supported by WEIN & CO.

Zeitgleich mit Oswald Oberhuber / Galerie Ernst Hilger und Sara Rahbar, Nives Widauer / hilger contemporary ( bis 20/03/09 ) sehen Sie Erwin Bohatsch in der Galerie Charim, Dorotheergasse 12 (bis 30/04/09).


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  • Galerie Ernst Hilger at  PULSE NEW YORK
    Galerie Ernst Hilger Ges.m.b.H.