Galerie Ernst
Galerie Ernst Hilger at artparis: Booth G 10 April 3 - 7, 2008
Messe03.04.2008 - 07.04.2008
Andy Warhol was born Andrew Warhola in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1928. In 1945 he entered the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) where he majored in pictorial design. Upon graduation, Warhol moved to New York where he found steady work as a commercial artist. Throughout the 1950s, Warhol enjoyed a successful career as a commercial artist, winning several commendations from the Art Director's Club and the American Institute of Graphic Arts. In these early years, he shortened his name to Warhol. The 1960s was an extremely prolific decade for Warhol. Appropriating images from popular culture, Warhol created many paintings that remain icons of 20th-century art, such as the Campbell's Soup Cans, Disasters and Marilyns. At the start of the 1970s, Warhol began publishing Interview magazine and renewed his focus on painting. Andy Warhol died February 22, 1987.The Andy Warhol Museum opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in May 1994.
Vladimir Velickovic meint, dass die Grundelemente der Malerei im Menschen selbst zu finden sind. Das Temperament, der Charakter, die Optik, die Einstellung, das kulturelle Erbe - all dies spielt mit beim Erschaffen eines Werkes und ist Teil dessen. Genau wie die Geschichte - die uns zu dem macht, was wir sind. Die Gewalt im wahren Leben, die brutale Realitaet sind für den Kuenstler Vladimir Velickovic eine Doppelbelastung. Die Konsequenzen von Krieg und Gewalt sind für ihn omnipraesent - furchterregend und bedrueckend. Velickovic gehoert einer Generation an, die mit der Gewalt aufgewachsen ist und in gewissen Massen auch mit dieser kokettiert.
Vladimir Velickovic is of the opinion that the basic elements of painting can be found in people themselves. Temper, character, appearance, attitude, cultural heritage - all of these play a role when creating a work of art, and are part of it. It is just like history, which determines what we are. Violence in true life, brutal reality - these are a dual burden for the artist Vladimir Velickovic. To him, the consequences of war and violence can be found everywhere, they are frightening and oppressive. Velickovic belongs to a generation that grew up with violence and - in a certain way - also toys with it.
Further artists at artparis 2008:
Alfred Hrdlicka
Nikolaus Moser
Massimo Vitali;