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Sotheby's Reveals the Artists of Natively Digital, Featuring the World's First Intelligent NFT (iNFT) by Robert Alice & Mor

Centered around the idea of bringing an art manifesto to life, Robert Alice and Alethea AI present a character that can discuss with the audience the nature of itself alongside any subject the viewer wishes to discuss. With each question asked, the iNFT will continue refining itself, reflecting the audience’s input. The work poses many questions: What do intelligent relationships between artwork and its viewer mean for the trajectory of art history? How does this change our definition of art? How is ownership defined in an age of intelligent artforms? Where does creativity lie? With the artist or the AI - or even perhaps the audience as a decentralized cultural collective?

In addition to the community nominated artist and to further explore the spirit of curatorial decentralization, the Mint Fund has selected a work for the auction - Perennial Links by Brazilian artist Ikaro Cavalcante. The artist selection by the Mint Fund gives curatorial power to a non-profit that supports creators outside the US and EU with a focus on BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ artists.

Sotheby’s will donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale to the Sevens Foundation, a nonprofit focused on evangelizing digital artists and empowering young talent to create with new paradigm shifting mediums, such as NFTs. Alongside Sotheby’s efforts, the artists of Natively Digital will donate a portion of their profits to charitable organizations benefitting crypto artists, such as the Mint Fund, a resource for crypto artists outside of the US and EU to offset the costs associated with creating NFT art. Sotheby’s will also engage in a carbon offset study with Regen Network, a blockchain based carbon offset platform, to accurately offset the minting and transaction costs of the sale.

Sillytuna, the current owner of CryptoPunk #7523, will also donate a portion of their proceeds to programs that support the CryptoPunk community as well as to organizations involved with COVID relief efforts across the world.

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