Eighth Evolution Sale Shines Light on Oceans
It wouldn't be a Natural History sale, if it didn't include some fine examples of taxidermy- amongthemaDuckbilledplatypusfromthelate19th/early20th century (34cm by 53cm/ est. £2000-3000), a cased otter with pebble by Peter Spicer from the late 19th century (79cm by 94cm/ est. £1800-2500) and a full mount Pangolin from the same time (68cm/ est. £2500-3000. Among the birds are a large case of colourful North and South American birds including trogons and a Spur-winged lapwing and Motmots from circa 1860 (104cm high by 120cm wide/ est. £1500-2500), a pair of Barn owls probably by Shaw of Shrewsbury from circa 1880 (74cm high/ est. £1200-1800), a Himalayan Monal under glass dome probably by Gardner from circa 1900 (64cm high/ est. £1200-1800), a Toucan (65cm high/ est. £2000-3000) and a Kea (39cm high/ est. £1000-1500).
TheauctionalsohasasectionwithanimalsculpturesincludingLucyKinsella's monkey 'Scout' (61cm high by 83cm wide by 15cm deep/ est. £6000-8000), Marjan Wouda's bronze 'Running Dogs' (80cm high by 70cm deep by 170cm long/ est. £6000-8000) and the wonderful 'Stalking Fox' bronze by Donald Potter (1902-2014) (22cm high by 105cm wide by 15cm deep/ est. £2000-3000). The sculptures are made of a wide variety of materials, including the fabulous 'Turning Leopard' made of laminated beech by Bill Prickett (84cm high by 118cm wide by 62cm deep/ est. £4000-6000). Zhaohui Liu's 'Polar Bear' is made of marble (150cm long by 98cm high by 54cm deep/ est. £2000-4000), Wilfred Pritchard's 'Giant Tarantula' made of steel (680cm wide by 640cm deep by 420cm high/ est. £10,000-15,000) and an Imperial Eagle from the Black forest is carved in hardwood (47cm high by 53cm wide by 11cm deep/ est. £1200-1800).
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Mit Kompetenz restauriere und konserviere ich Ihre Rahmen, Ölgemälde, Ikonen, Skulpturen, Holz...
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Forthcoming Auctions:
4th November 2020 Home & Garden (sealed bid auction) 24th November 2020 Evolution sale