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Tom Venning artist of live

Tom Venning
Gersthoferstr. 24/2/12
1180 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0) 676 549 32 44
tom[ at ]tomvenning[ dot ]com

Tom Venning comes from a multi-ethnic and mixed nationality background. He has lived, worked and studied on five continents and sailed on three oceans. His art draws on this multicultural experience and how different cultures and epochs have used, communicated and developed wisdom. His art is based on Zen Calligraphy, but being autodidactic and having no emotional connection to Chinese characters, he developed his own unique form of asemic writing that twists dimensions and challenges perception. To help explain the process and mindset of calligraphy he regularly performs as a live painter.

Keine Termine in dieser Kategorie vorhanden.

Keine Termine in dieser Kategorie vorhanden.

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